Lunes, Mayo 20, 2013

Scrutinizing the Idea of Human Nature

"Human nature is full and acceptable, the past is valuable(in some respects preferable to the present), the present is intolerable and correctable, and the future is hopeful -- but only if we alter existing institutions."

by Charles Fourier

This statement from Charles Fourier, a French philosopher back in the 18th century gives us his idea of human nature. He says that the past is valuable and in some respects is preferable than the present. For me, looking though this generation's view point, this is quite true because we learn things from the past and we, sometimes, think that we want to travel through space and time to go through the past once again. We somehow think that the past is better than our present because of the things that we are going through now. Then, he says "the present is intolerable and correctable" which is all too obvious. I mean, the present which is NOW, is intolerable in a way that we shouldn't just let the present pass by without doing anything, right? Even if you're just lying around, you somehow tend to come up with something to do in the present time which then corrects every single thing that you are doing during the moment. Even when we're just thinking, reflecting, we tend to change our point of views and so this puts things into light , or not. Everything we do in the moment, changes everything that is to be done afterwards. Lastly, "the future is hopeful-- but only if we alter certain institutions." These institutions are the things that make us function as human beings, like the way we talk, the way we see things, and the way we socialize. Each of these things affect the one another therefore affecting the whole being which include the actions and decisions of a person which then affects his/her future.

I picked this quotation because I think that if we dig deeply through this idea, we will be able to ponder upon how we can make our past, stepping stones to correct our present and how to make our present, materials and gates toward a bright and desirable realm of our future.

Have  a Happy and Idealistic World of WORDS!
I hope that every time you read, you will not only find delight in extracting knowledge and wisdom through each story or write up but I hope that you will find delight in scrutinizing each word of every line that composes each sentence that is in every paragraph of every material that you read. :)

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