Huwebes, Mayo 16, 2013

Inexhaustible Treasure

Luke 12:22-23; 31-34 NIV


"Then Jesus said to his disciples:'Therefore I tell you do not worry about your life, what you will eat; dont worry about your body, what you will wear. Life is more than food, and the body more than clothes...'"


"...But seek His kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well. Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

           Wouldn't you want to have overflowing treasures? Treasures that will continue to exist even if the world already ran out of people? Treasures that will allow you to have the freedom to do whatever you want to do? 


           Believe it or not, this kind of treasure exists. Yes, it does. So, I know that you already read the passages that came before this essay, right? And whatever religion you may be a part of right now, I know that you know who it is that those passages are talking about or should I say you clearly know who the speaker in those passages is. Because if you don't know Him, then you're probably an alien.

           The problem with us, human beings nowadays is that we settle for less. We settle with the things that are of this world, we worry about the things that we don't have. We never get contented. We intend to have more, then when we get that more, we demand to have another layer of more into the storage of our earthly treasures. It's foolish, really, and it's embarrassing to think that we tend to crave for more of these things and we tend to sometimes forget about sharing it to other people who needs them when the things we should do are the exact opposite of what we are doing right now.

           Admit it, we tend to get anxious about what to wear when going to a party or even when going to work or to school, we worry about what we will eat, what we will buy, and what else we should do in order to attain a higher status in this society's quo. We tend to do everything, work our ass off just to gain earthly things that we will never be able to bring with us when we die; things that can bring us happiness but never joy; things that most probably will drag us down; things that will never be able to quench the thirst that our spirits have been suffering since we turned our backs from our Saviour and chose this almost hell like place we call home, though deep inside our hearts and our spirit's core, this place will never be our home.

We're doing these things, wasting our time and efforts for basically nothing in the end. When all the Lord is asking, is for us to Believe in Him, for us to trust Him, for us to serve Him, for us to love Him, and for us to lift up our lives to Him. He saved us and He continues to save us up to this day. He prepares houses laden with gold for us, His children, and He weeps for every lost soul that does not tend to even care to pay Him a visit. His love, His Salvation, being in His presence, enjoying every ounce of His love, being without problems, living without worries, no more hurt, no more pain, no more struggles and no more shame but with love, peace, contentment and most especially with Redemption. Now, being able to live like that is the true and the most inexhaustible treasure that anyone could ever have.

         I realized these things not only as I was reading these passages. I realized these things way ahead, but in an earthly view. Then, the Scriptures hit me. And by the moment that it did, I didn't have the difficulty of pondering about the meaning of each passage. Why? How? Because we already have ourselves as an example of people that often forget where to put our hearts at. We seem to have been blinded by the deceitful things that this world offers and the short term happiness that we think those things sustain. Most importantly, we seem to deliberately push aside our Saviour, our Deliverer, the One who offers us the greatest and most considerate deal of all.

      Foolish, Harsh, too serious, yep, I know. I'm not saying that I'm doing the right thing, but I am trying. And so I hope that this inspired you enough to repent and turn back to Him. After all, I wouldn't be writing this if He didn't guide me to do so. And so, I thank the Lord God for giving me this talent and for always being patient with me and with the rest of this world. :)



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