Huwebes, Mayo 23, 2013

Jeremiah 23:23-24 NIV

"Am I only a God nearby "
                   declares the Lord,
     "and not a God far away?
Can anyone hide pin secret places
  so that I cannot see him?"
                     declares the Lord,
"Do not I fill the heaven and earth?"
                    declares the Lord.

These passages from the Bible really reminds me of how as a child, I tend to hide whenever I want to do things that I don't want my parents or anyone else to find out. It's foolish, really because after all, it turns out that my parents, especially my mom still knows what I am up to even if I don't tell her directly. There are also those times when I try to hide how I feel and just keep those things all inside of me no matter how angry or distressed I am because I don't want to bother the people who cares for me. But then, it still shows. They still feel the anguish, the pain, and all the things that I am trying to hide no matter how hard I try to act as if nothing is wrong.

As I was reading those passages, I realized that those instances of hiding and thinking that no one will notice is like what we are doing to the Lord when we think that He doesn't see us, when we feel as if He isn't there when the truth is that, He feels our pain and He, being an All Knowing God knows about everything we engage ourselves into, our mundane practices and all other kinds of endeavors, and even those things that the closest person to our hearts doesn't see or feel. He Knows, He feels, He gets hurt, and He wants to free us from all the guilt and all the depravity that we know that we have unintentionally done. He forgives us no matter how dire our experiences might be and no matter how stalwart we stand by our pride. He never gets tired on reminding us always that no matter where our hearts will lead us to, He will still be there, waiting for us to return to Him, to ask His forgiveness and to obey His will. 

If only we'd open our hearts and submit all our worries and cares to Him, then we won't have to make things hard for ourselves every time we try to hide from him. You see, there's no sense hiding. He knows. I know it's hard, but, we can start by putting in our minds that no matter what we do, where we're at, or who we're with, HE IS WATCHING. It's up to us if we're gonna do things that will make Him cry, make Him frown, or put a very large and heart warming smile on His face and make Him feel how much we love Him as our Father and Savior.


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